Topline Events
Hall of Fame Induction
Nominated by a Member of SEQUINS Recognizes transformative career contributions to equity neuroscience research
Induction during SEQUINS Annual Meeting
Each Inductee will give an overview of their work, discuss prevailing gaps/opportunities, and vision for their field
No more than five inductees each year
Inductees are memorialized in virtual hall of fame on the SEQUINS website
Member of SEQUINS at the time of nomination
Selection by SEQUINS program commitee
Candidate must be a senior investigator of any scientific (basic, translational, clinical, or population) or professional background who has made outstanding contributions in the field of equity neuroscience in their lifetime
Evidence of mentorship of students, post-docs, residents, fellows, and early career faculty is important
Presentations and induction must be done in person
Outstanding Mentorship Award
Recognizes excellent achievements in the mentoring of future generations of researchers in the field of equity neuroscience.
Although recipients are expected to be successful scientists, the award recognizes mentorship rather than scientific accomplishment, emphasizing the training experiences and successes of the nominee’s mentees, not the mentor’s personal career achievements.
The award acknowledges the successful development of mentees who will also go on to become independent equity neuroscientists, ultimately shaping the future of the field.
For this award, mentoring refers to the process of guiding, supporting, and promoting the training and career development of others.
Award recipients will be individuals who have actively engaged in sustained efforts aimed at the mentoring of trainees in the field of equity neuroscience.
Award is given during the SEQUINS Annual Meeting
Awardee will give a presentation
Member of SEQUINS at the time of nomination
Selection by SEQUINS program committee Nominees may include basic, clinical, or translational researchers working in the field of equity neuroscience. They should have a record of successfully mentoring researchers in the field of equity neuroscience over time
Mentees should be actively involved in research, teaching, mentoring, community activities or other leadership activities in the field of equity neuroscience
Nominated by a member/s of SEQUINS who is/are mentee(s) of the nominee who have personal knowledge & first-hand experience of the nominee’s mentoring efforts
Previous recipients of this award are ineligible
Bright Star Award Lecture
The annual SEQUINS Bright Star Award Lecture is delivered by an early career individual currently funded by a major funding agency (NIH, CDC, DOD, Foundations), who is doing work to study one of the five major areas of neurological inequities/disparities (sex/gender, race/ethnic, geographic, socioeconomic, or global).
Member of SEQUINS at the time of nomination
Selection by SEQUINS SPC
Previous invitees are ineligible
TRANSCENDS Graduates Recognition
Individuals graduating from the program will be named and recognized highlighting their affiliations, area(s) of research interest, and accomplihsments
Completed all requirements for graduating from program
Introductions of each graduate by program leadership
TALENTS Graduates Recognition
Individuals graduating from the program will be named and recognized highlighting their affiliations, area(s) of research interest, and accomplishments
Completed all requirements for graduating from the program
Introductions of each graduate by program leadership
Moving on Up! Succeeding as an Early Career Researcher
Early Career scientists in the audience In-person and online) will be invited to ask individual queries about building momentum in an academic career especially one tailored to pursuing equity neuroscience research.
Moderated by a program committee member
Questions from early career attendees addressed by a panel of 2-3 senior equity neuroscience researchers who have a successful track record of NIH research funding
Speed Dating! Finding the Right Mentor & Collaborator
Early Career scientists in the audience in-person and online) will be invited to ask individual queries about building momentum in an academic career especially one tailored to pursuing equity neuroscience research.
Moderated by a program committee member
Questions from early career attendees addressed by a panel of 2-3 senior equity neuroscience researchers who have served (or is serving) as a department chair or associate dean
Agency Briefing Event
Brief presentation by a Program Officer from NIH, CDC, FDA, PCORI, DHS, Gates Foundation, etc.
Program Officer will present agency’s plans for equity neuroscience training, career development, and research as well as its contemporary funding opportunities